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Deep Magic: Pestilent Cleric Spells, Part 1

Aura of Filth 4th-level necromancy (pestilent)Casting Time: 1 actionRange: Self (30-foot radius)Components: VDuration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Putrefying energy radiates from you in an aura with a 30-foot radius. Until the spell ends, the aura moves with you, centered on you. Each living creature in the aura (including you) cannot be cured of a

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Rise of the Mimic Moon: Enchanted Equipment and Assorted Accessories

Something about destruction and upheaval spurs the imagination and triggers innovation. A mage, dwelling in a city dragged into the hells, suddenly has all manner of reasons to invent items that work well against fiends. Similarly, the cleric looking out on a quaint countryside road, seeing an army of undead, feels a great motivation to

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Magical Wastelands: Environmental Cataclysm

This sparsely populated wilderness seems benign at first glance. A normal patch of terrain, the usual trees, clearings, and rocks. However, perhaps it does seem oddly barren. So you look closer, noticing the signs of ancient battles, the scorched bricks of a shattered mage’s tower or the fallen trees, radiating outward from a central point,

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Musings from an Empty Tankard: Quantifiable Magic

In a typical game, characters gain rewards intended to be useful, unique, and wondrous. Rewarded magic items provide the character with value, either enhancing the character’s performance or contributing to the story. However, sometimes a reward offers little or no value to the characters or the story. Giving these “drop-or-sell” items a quantifiable value allows

Musings from an Empty Tankard: Quantifiable Magic Read More »

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