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Hometown Hazards

A misty mountain with a remote building in Taiwan, perfect for hiking enthusiasts.

Hometown Hazards. What you get up to in the cloud heritage

Adventures are usually about the events taking the heroes away from home. But this series explores possibilities when taking a character back home. What troubles lurk in a PC’s hometown? What manner of curse, bogeyman, disease, or nuisance was part of their upbringing? How does it now become part of the party’s greater story?

Hometown Hazards. What you get up to in the cloud heritage Read More »

Hometown Hazards. Trouble for folk from a salvager heritage

Adventures are usually about the events taking the heroes away from home. But this series explores possibilities when taking a character back home. What troubles lurk in a PC’s hometown? What manner of curse, bogeyman, disease, or nuisance was part of their upbringing? How does it now become part of the party’s greater story?

Hometown Hazards. Trouble for folk from a salvager heritage Read More »

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