A Fight Club You’ll Talk About
Book of Blades is a Kobold exclusive PDF series that punches up! The fighting life gets worked over from all angles in this monthly series.
Each installment of this 12-part extravaganza examines a different aspect of martial combat. More than just new mechanics, Book of Blades gives you new ways to think about the fighterly pursuits. Installments in the series cover:
- Fictional and historical examples for inspiration
- new archetypes
- useful NPCs
- new backgrounds
- new combat options
- and more!
And the hits keep coming as Kobold Press releases a new installment each month! You nerds with the pointy hats, sit down. The sword people are talking. Listen and learn!
Luke Baumstark –
Just bought this, so (full disclosure) I haven’t read the whole thing. The five-star rating is more (for now, anyway) an expression of my excitement over one aspect of this PDF, which I don’t see mentioned above, but which folks should know about. Here goes – it has UPGRADES for gearforged characters that they can buy and have installed. I have always loved the notion of a gearforged character, but the mechanics (pun intended) left something to be desired. Now there is a real reason to play as one! What a neat idea!
williamhschulteman23 –
Hope this series picks up
Love this kinda stuff