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Book of Blades: Arcanepunk Arsenal (PDF)


Kobold Press proudly presents part nine of our smash series, Book of Blades: Arcanepunk Arsenal!

Product Stats



Game System

D&D 5e


Game Masters


Spells and Items

Page Count



This is gonna be a blast.

A fighter needs the right weapons for the job, and sometimes the right weapon is a gem-powered, piston gauntlet.

Experiment with the magical machines of the arcanepunk subgenre, arming and augmenting yourself with an arsenal of devices as powerful as they are temperamental.

This 13-page tome arms your characters to the teeth with magical tech. Inside, you’ll find:

  • Historical and fictional inspirationto get you ready to tinker.
  • Warframe armor and vehicles that let you suit up, roll out, and lay siege.
  • Arcanepunk devices that can be overcharged for more powerful (and more dangerous) effects.
  • Randomized malfunctions to throw a wrench of chaotic fun into combat.

And that’s not even all of it! Sneak a peek at making melee amazing with Book of Blades: Arcanepunk Arsenal!

What is Book of Blades?

Book of Blades is a Kobold Press special series focused on melee combat. This 12-part series examines the classes, weapons, tactics, and people that make combat a fundamental part of the fantasy roleplaying experience.

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