High Fantasy with a Keen Edge.

Explore Game Mastering in Midgard

Midgard Lore Books

Start here to get into Midgard!

  • Midgard Worldbook – The primary source for almost everything you need to know about Midgard.
  • Southlands Worldbook – A standalone sourcebook for the Southlands, a vast region of Midgard filled with pulp adventure and tomb raiding.
  • Book of Ebon Tides – A standalone sourcebook for the Shadow Realm, a realm connected to Midgard and filled with mysterious fey.
  • Demon Cults and Secret Societies – A book filled with details on many of the cults in Midgard.
  • Warlock Grimoires – Each book is filled with articles on various topics related to regions, events, and peoples of Midgard. These books are each about 50-50 in lore and rules text.
Midgard Worldbook
Southlands Worldbook
Book of Ebon Tides
Demon Cults & Secret Societies
Warlock Grimoire Bundle

Free Midgard Resources for GMs

Not ready to commit? Read up on the setting.


Adventures in Midgard

Ready to go? Try one of these adventures.

  • Zobeck Collector’s Edition – Part gazetteer on one of the central trade hub cities of Midgard and part adventure book, this is one of the best starting points for running games set in Midgard.
  • Tales of the Old Margreve – A gazetteer of the semi-sentient, magical Margreve Forest just outside of Zobeck, it contains several short adventures set within the forest. A great companion to the Zobeck Collector’s Edition!
  • City of Cats – The best starting point for a game set in the Southlands. Similar to the Zobeck Collector’s Edition, this book features details on the Southlands city Per-Bastet and includes adventures that serve as a great introduction.
  • Tales from the Shadows – The best starting point for running a game set in the Shadow Realm. This book of short adventures set in the Shadow Realm has an optional throughline for linking the adventures together into a campaign from levels 1-8.
  • Midgard Sagas – A book of six, convention-length adventures set across Midgard.
  • Scarlet Citadel – A classic, dungeon-delving adventure from levels 1-10 set in the dark depths beneath the ruins of an ancient wizard’s manor.
  • Empire of the Ghouls – A gazetteer of Midgard’s Underworld and a full-length campaign from levels 1-13 that has the PCs traveling all across Midgard to stop a ghoulish plot. The best adventure for getting a broad, exploratory overview of the world of Midgard.
Tales of Old Margreve
City of Cats
Tales from the Shadows
Midgard Sagas
Scarlet Citadel
Empire of the Ghouls

Extra Game Master Goodies

Kobold Press has books and products to help you run every kind of roleplaying game.

  • Tome of Beasts 1–3 and Creature Codex – Each of these monster books contains over 400 new and unique monsters, many of which include sidebars of how to incorporate them into a game set in Midgard.
  • Vault of Magic – A book filled with over 950 magical treasures for gifting to heroic PCs or enhancing a villain.
  • Kobold Guides – These guides contain advice articles (no rules text) on their listed topics, and the Worldbuilding (volumes 1 and 2), Monsters, and Gamemastering guides are particularly handy for any Game Master.
Tome of Beasts
Vault of Magic
Kobold Guide to Gamemastering

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