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Book of Hexcrawl



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Game System



Alex Dzuricky, W.F. Smith






Create An Epic Adventure, One Hex at a Time

Crossing cutthroat factions, mapping hidden trails, fighting against the elements for your very survival – it’s the stuff hexcrawl campaigns are made of!

Book of Hexcrawl is a digital-only series designed to cover every aspect of planning, building, and running a hexcrawl-style campaign for ANY TTRPG system:

  • Tables for tracking supplies, mapping regions, and random encounters – a must for any hexcrawl
  • Advice on keeping time, building a calendar, and keeping the pressure on
  • Faction and worldbuilding guides to create emergent stories and a world that responds to your players while still moving around them

Transform your tabletop into a living, breathing wilderness—start your journey with Book of Hexcrawl now!

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