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Book of Hexcrawl, Part Six: Time (PDF)


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Game System

D&D 5e


Alex Dzuricky, W.F. Smith



Page Count





It’s On Your Side. Sometimes.

A mysterious force stalks its way through your hexcrawl campaign. Both friend and foe, it gives your party’s actions meaning and urgency, and challenges them to make the most of their choices. Of course, this riddle’s answer is Time! Book of Hexcrawl, Part 6: Time is here with thorough look at how time adds bite to every decision in a hexcrawl game (or any roleplaying session!).  

Book of Hexcrawl, Part 6: Time is a 14-page PDF designed to aid GMs in tracking this important resource. Pit your players against the slow tick of your fantasy clock as they journey across your world. 

  • Learn simple tricks for keeping time in your campaign, and how to track time for basic adventuring tasks such as scouting hexes, tracking enemies, and foraging for supplies. 
  • Work seasons and weather into your campaign to challenge PCs’ endurance and ability to survive the wilds. 
  • Build a calendar, log your party’s triumphs and defeats, and chart the machinations of factions and villains for a realistic narrative of shifting plots and plans. 

Start the clock with Book of Hexcrawl, Part 6: Time

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