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Unlikely Heroes for 5th Edition (Softcover)


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Weight 0.25 lbs


Game System

D&D 5e



— New Options for 5th Edition Heroes —

Sometimes, heroes emerge from strange and forbidden places: the trackless deserts, deep oceans, magic-warped wastelands—even the crypts of the undead.

A dhampir swordswoman bares her fangs and impales a terrified foe on her blade! Her dust goblin companion drops from the shadows overhead and attacks with his spear while howling the names of alien gods!

Lightning begins to crackle around the jinnborn cleric’s mace, just as the sahuagin fighter, riding a gigantic shark, explodes from the underground lake…

Unlikely Heroes gives you everything you need to play a monstrous adventurer in 5th edition. Its pages are packed with PC racial traits, history, ecology, names, and more for 8 new races:

  • Derro
  • Dhampir
  • Dust Goblins
  • Jinnborn
  • Kijani
  • Lamia
  • Ramag
  • Sahuagin
  • Plus 5 new backgrounds: Cannibal Headhunter, Prophet, Scavenger, Seer, and Tinker.

Take the path less travelled today!

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