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The Clattering Keep (PDF)


A Kobold Press classic, remastered for Tales of the Valiant!

SKU: KOB-TOV-TCK Categories: , , ,

Product Stats

Game System

Tales of the Valiant


Jon Sawatsky, Mike Welham



Page Count





“If You Mean to Go There, Take the Gods with You.”

For centuries, the ancestral keep of the Yellete family has lain abandoned, and from deep within its cursed library a tome of dark power draws evil forces near. Undead dragons, necromancers, and other shadowy figures vie to use the keep for their own purposes. Only a party of valiant heroes can cleanse the keep and discover its secrets.

The Clattering Keep is an 18-page Tales of the Valiant adventure for four to five 4th-level characters. It is a full ToV conversion of the original Clattering Keep, first published as Warlock Lair #1!

Journey to the heart of a shadow-haunted keep. Listen closely for the clatter of bones drawing near.

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  1. Katosepe

    Group loved it. 5 bucks for a really solid one-shot was completely worth it.

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