Tales of the Valiant Monsters Adventures Player Options Design Guides VTT Magic Midgard

Scarlet Citadel for 5th Edition



Availability: In stock


Availability: In stock


Product Stats


Bundle (Print and PDF), Hardcover, PDF, Virtual Table Top

Game System

D&D 5e

5E Tier

Level 1-4, Level 11-16


Game Masters


Adventure, Monsters


Dare You Descend into the Sorcerous Gloom?

Once a fortress where wizards honed their eldritch craft, the Scarlet Citadel now holds a sinister reputation—and for good reason. The dungeon’s well-trod stairs have seen few return from their journeys below. Now, malevolent creatures spin shadowy webs, enchant foul magics, and summon forth dark gods. But for those brave enough, ancient treasures and secrets still lie scattered everywhere.

Inside the Scarlet Citadel, you’ll find:

  • A classic-style adventure for 10 levels of play, fully compatible with the 5th Edition of the world’s oldest roleplaying game.
  • Evocative combats and magical mysteries brimming with plots and subplots.
  • Tons of original traps and new monsters, from clacker beetles to the dire owl bear!
  • An isometric map and complete write-up of the nearby town of Redtower, where the adventurers can set up a home base.
  • An adventure easily paired with the Scarlet Citadel Map Folio, a fold-out set of playable battle maps from Kobold Press.
  • Plus much more!

Grab your torches and enter the depths—great riches and great adventure await you!

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  1. Rated 3 out of 5

    Brian Parker

    A beautiful book with excellent art and layout, a deep backstory to the “megadungeon,” a fleshed-out town to use as home base, and lots of DM advice. The well-done maps are neat, and the map folio (what a cool idea!) is high quality.

    However, the backstory/history assumes a thorough knowledge of the Midgard campaign setting, with unexplained references to (off the top of my head) various members of its unique pantheon, “ring magic,” “the Void” and Void magic, “Elfmarked,” and of course geography. The use of setting-specific “ley lines” are key to the plot and dungeon design. You’ll either need to get the DM and players familiar with the setting, or (re)write a lot of history. There are also numerous references to creatures in Tome of Beasts (40 references) and the Creature Codex (34 references), without statblocks or even challenge ratings; if you don’t own these products, you’ll need to replace and (re)balance many encounters yourself.

    Assuming ownership of multiple non-core products without saying so in the product description is kind of uncool; since the campaign is almost unusable without me buying more and/or a lot of work, it makes it hard for me to give this otherwise five-star product more than three stars.

  1. Rated 2 out of 5


    The maps have many issues which makes it obvious that the publisher doesn’t have a clue.

    1- Maps size (X sq by X sq) isn’t included so I’m left to figure that out by myself. This leads to problem #2.
    2- Number of pixels per square is inconsistent between maps. Also the image size is not dividable by px/sq once this value has been “guessed” making the maps not fit right in the VTT page. The image requires editing to make it fit properly.
    3- With a single exception, the overlays are NOT provided separate from the related maps. Therefore they must be extracted with an image editor. Using the different versions of the maps creates troublesome manipulation for the DM.

    The maps work, somewhat, but all the work that needs to be done by the DM makes this a 2-star product.

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    andreas steen

    I bought the VTT maps for Scarlet Citadel for Fantasy Grounds.
    I got all the biggest maps working,
    but I cant seem to open the Folder named __MACOSX with Images.
    Anyone out there got a tips what I may be doing wrong?

    I give it a 5 star because this is probably a small problem

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    I just want to say that as a new DM that has learned to specialize in running Scarlet Citadel, I love this Map Folio!

    I agree with the review above, that minding the printing order will make future Map Folios better. And! Table tops don’t often get the ‘consequence experience’ of running into a trap with the overlays. This is a brilliant, brilliant product!

    It fleshes the world out exquisitely.

    This is by far my favorite campaign to run from the past 3 years of learning to DM.

    The maps are worth it especially when we turn off all the lights and light a few dozen tea candles in the room and set the actual theme of dungeon with shadows on the figurines for the gaming experience.

    I look forward to the other map folios you guys put out, Kobold Press!! Keep at it please.

  2. Rated 3 out of 5

    Warren Rawlings

    Map Miss-Print: Scarlet Citadel – Map Folio
    1. I have a problem with Scarlet Citadel MAPS. The quality of the material and coating is outstanding. Again, you give Great support. but being a PRINTING Company (at least partially) you should check your imposition.
    2. The Scarlet Citadel Maps for level 3… two of them are printed on the same page (Leaf) and when transitioning from one map to the other in a Running / Moving battle I had to **flip **and reset the minis on the map and then the player characters had to retreat into the known ground under pressure, which I had to **flip **the map again. You should not have printed these on the same piece of paper.
    3. Can you send me a second copy of that map? The map that covers rooms 310-331? Why? Because this is a quality flaw and a miss print. The way the adventure is written I need to be able to play across the seam with two separate maps, not flip the map to the other side and reset all my minis.

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