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12 Peculiar Towers for 5th Edition (Softcover + PDF)


SKU: KP-12TOWR-5E-PPB Categories: , ,

Product Stats

Weight 1 lbs

Bundle (Print and PDF)

Game System

D&D 5e


12 Peculiar Towers is a collection of 5th Edition adventures for characters level 1 to 13, with the theme of—you guessed it—towers. Clocking in at 76 pages, this collection offers new heights of lively action, tactics, and roleplaying.

Discover the mysteries that lie within:
o The forest lair of a ravenfolk bandit gang
o A magical archive of ancient elven lore
o The hideout of a powerful thieves’ guild master
o The stronghold of a sinister blood mage
o …and 8 other distinctive dungeons!

Each tower comes with a beautifully illustrated map, including many 3D isometric maps, and of course plenty of traps, hazards, and enemies to challenge your players!

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