Build a Better Adventurer!
Every new player character is an opportunity to tell new stories and start a brand new adventure. Spice up your next Tales of the Valiant/5E campaign or adventure with these new and exciting lineages and heritages, designed to expand player options beyond what you can find in the ToV Player’s Guide.
Lineages & Heritages: Supplement 1 is a 15-page PDF supplement that expands character-building options for your Tales of the Valiant/5E game. Choose from six new character lineages each with unique abilities and traits. Will your next character be an eonic – a time-lost lineage of futuristic humanoids? Will they stalk the night AND the day as a dhampir? All these options and more are here! Seeking more details for your character? This PDF contains ten compelling character heritages that deepen your character’s story before you’ve even rolled your stats!
Tell your tale your way with the new character options of Lineages & Heritages: Supplement 1.
TheLastGigantomach –
An excellent supplement. I hope there are many more Lineage & Heritage supplements to come, because they really do add a dimension of creativity to the character creation process.
Hamish Turnbull –
I love all the new lineages, and the improvements since the playtests have been considerable. I’m so glad the goblin, gnoll, and lizardfolk lineages are playable now; I think my players will really enjoy those. And I think the dryad lineage is awesome; the Forest Heart feature in particular feels very reminiscent of the Eldar in Tolkien’s Arda Legendarium. Dhampirs are cool, too. The gnoll and lizardfolk are probably my favourite; can’t wait for ratfolk and ravenfolk in the next Midgard sourcebook.
But the most extreme improvements since the playtest have to do with the eonic lineage. Honestly, when the eonic playtest first came out, I didn’t much care for it, and I wasn’t planning on even mentioning it to my players. In the playtest, the Wizened Flesh feature was basically a penalty to persuasion and exhaustion for wearing armour, so it really didn’t make the lineage appealing. Now, however, not only is the artwork for the eonic lineage a lot cooler-looking (especially for a player character), but the new and improved Wizened Flesh feature has replaced all those detriments with the ability to survive twice as long without food, air, water, or sleep. The new version of the eonic is super cool, honestly, and I’m now thinking of ways to incorporate them into my homebrew campaign.
The whole slew of new heritages, as well as the Vampire Hunter background, are all great as well.
I highly recommend this supplement to all players and GMs.
Alexander Best –
A pretty good improvement on the eonic. Hopefully this is the first of many supplements!