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Dungeon Drop-Ins

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Enhance Dungeon Drop-Ins with Map Tiles: DungeonsCampaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins!

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Product Stats

Game System

Tales of the Valiant, D&D 5e


Andy Dempz


Game Masters



Page Count



Bite-Size Dungeon Blocks

Dungeons. Adventurers positively crave them. They can hardly go three long rests without hearing the call of a dark, monster-haunted, trap-filled hole in the ground. Dungeon Drop-Ins is here to give the people what they want!  

Dungeon Drop-Ins is a 12-page PDF supplement collecting a trove of ideas to motivate, populate, and elevate a low-level dungeon crawl for your Tales of the Valiant or other 5E-compatible game. Only part of its contents are:

  • 3 dungeon factions, complete with motivations and rivalries, to fill the halls of your dungeon crawl. 
  • 6 spectacular set pieces to define your dungeon. Have your players play a deadly game in the Chessboard Hall, or introduce them to a good old fashioned bottomless pit. These encounters are designed for Map Tiles: Dungeons but can drop into ANY dungeon crawl!
  • Tables and fables of dungeon rewards, including a Necklace of Spell Stealing and the soul-hungry Shadow Blade.  

We’ve also included more of what GMs want: deadly traps and random encounters! Expand your GM toolkit with this grab-bag of dungeon details in Dungeon Drop-Ins

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