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Map Tiles: Dungeons


SKU: KOB-9962 Categories: , , ,
This item will be released at a future date.

Product Stats

Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 7 × .5 in

Game Masters


Map Tile


Your Dungeon Awaits. . . .

Instantly drop your players into a multitude of dungeon encounters and dangers with Map Tiles: Dungeons from Kobold Press! These 24 wet- and dry-erasable 7″×7″ tiles are beautifully illustrated with mysterious and terrifying locales suited for forgotten dungeons and underground fortresses, including dungeon gateways, treasure troves, crypts, eldritch shrines, and more!

Bring a new spin on dungeon-delving classics with Map Tiles: Dungeons!

This set includes:

  • Abandoned Feast Hall
  • Alchemist’s Chamber
  • Ancient Crypt
  • Arcane Circle
  • Barracks
  • Chessboard Hall
  • Cleric’s Quarters
  • Crumbling Corridors
  • Dungeon Forge
  • Dungeon Larder
  • Dungeon Stairs Up
  • Fortified Hallway
  • Giant Pit
  • Mess Hall
  • Old Library
  • Prisoner’s Cells
  • Richly Decorated Office
  • Statue-Guarded Entrance
  • Suspicious Chest
  • Torture Chambers
  • Trash Pit
  • Treasure Hoard
  • Underground Well
  • Wine Cellar

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