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Dark Deeds in Freeport Patronage (Pathfinder RPG)


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SKU: KP-DDFP-PAT-PF Categories: ,

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Game System





Game Masters




Strike yer colors, ye bloominÂ’ cockroaches!

Dark Deeds in Freeport is an adventure design project for Green Ronin’s campaign setting of Freeport: The City of Adventure. The 72-page book will be an official Freeport product licensed from Green Ronin, compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Using the Freeport Companion: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Edition as a resource, patrons of Dark Deeds in Freeport will work with Wolfgang Baur, Chris Pramas, and lead designer Michael Furlanetto to create an adventure that blends swashbuckling with supernatural horror in the Freeport tradition.

Sharpen your cutlass and join the crew—we sail with the tide!

How do patronage projects work? See the Open Design FAQ for details!


As as patronage project, you will see the adventure designed, you can make suggestions to the designers, and you will be fully acknowledged in the credits. This patronage includes:

  • Access to private design discussion and review of playtest materials,
  • a PDF of the final playtest manuscript,
  • a PDF of the official 72-page print sourcebook, and
  • every opportunity to contribute design ideas and elements for Freeport!

You will have full patron review, discussion, and playtest access to Dark Deeds in Freeport as the book is written. For a Basic Membership, leave the Quantity in the ‘Add to Cart’ field equal to ‘1’.

Senior Patronage, Major Donors, and Sponsors

As a senior patron, you gain access to the senior patron discussion and review of materials. You will have complete access to the playtest draft, art, maps, and you will have first option to contribute items, monsters, spells, and more to the design. To join as a senior patron, set the Quantity field to ‘3’ during checkout.

As a major donor, you have access to all the other patron perks, and you will receive a signed, autographed copy of the final print book for Dark Deeds in Freeport. To join as a major donor, set the Quantity field to ‘6’ during checkout.

As a sponsor, you have access to all the other patron perks, and you will receive a signed, autographed copy of the final print book for Dark Deeds in Freeport and additional materials not available elsewhere, such as an artist’s sketchbook or other elements determined by agreement with the lead designer. To join as a sponsor, set the Quantity field to ’10’ during checkout.

Open Design is a trademark of Open Design LLC.

Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under license. See paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

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