Building Support for TTRPG Creators

DEADLINE – April 29, 2024

About the Program

Kobold Press has launched the Kobold Creates program to support digital creators, networks, and gamers playing Kobold Press products. In short, Kobold Press will provide sponsorship funds for digital content that showcases the Tales of the Valiant RPG in 2024. The program is open to various pitches, including but not limited to actual plays, podcasts, short-form content, interview shows, and YouTube series. This Tales of the Valiant project does not necessarily have to be a new idea, it can also be the continuation of an existing series or longer story as long as ToV is involved. For the inaugural launch of this program, we’re celebrating the launch of the Tales of the Valiant RPG.

At Kobold Press, we are committed to supporting content creators worldwide by offering these annual sponsorship dollars. Our aim is to foster new groups and ideas that help the TTRPG community grow and thrive. This program will continue annually to support and provide a strong foundation for the future of the TTRPG community.


  • WHO – All digital content creators can apply, regardless of following or audience size. You don’t need a big audience, just a dedicated one.
  • WHEN – All pitched projects must occur between June – September of 2024.
  • WHAT – The project must be focused on the Tales of the Valiant RPG products and released publicly to everyone once created.
  • WHERE – Creators must complete the form below by April 29, following all instructions, to be considered. Late applications will be disqualified.


  • Application Deadline – April 29 @ 11:59pm PT
  • Recipient Announcements – May 10 @ Kobold Con live
  • Content Release – Between June 1 and September 30, 2024

Selection Process

Kobold Press will select 10 projects in 2024 to receive a $500 sponsorship to support their creative ideas. A panel of anonymous judges, including a Kobold Staff member, a TTRPG freelancer, and a special guest TTRPG content creator, will lead the selection process. The judges will be focused on diversity, creativity of the pitch, and scope of work. 

Final selected projects will be announced live on Twitch and YouTube at Kobold Con on Friday, May 10, 2024, during our Kobold Showcase.

What we ARE looking for:

  • Content creators from all over the world. You do not need to be based in the US.
  • Integration of the Tales of the Valiant system into your games, stories, series, and ideas.
  • Digital content only; All digital content platforms accepted. (Twitch, YouTube, TikTok, Social Media, etc.)
  • Unique project ideas that match the scope of funding 
  • Creators eager and excited for ToV’s launch in May & June

What we are NOT looking for:

  • Product ads or reviews (If you are Press/Reviewer, please visit our Kobold Connection form)
  • Panels or Convention appearances
  • Content released behind a paywall (Patreon or subscriber-only models)
  • Adult or Mature content (Rated-R+)
  • Pitches for adventures, world-building, writing, art, or anything else related to book production
  • Projects focusing on past Kobold Press titles and books
  • Projects that require Kobold Press to host or stream for you.

Selected projects will receive:

  • $500 to spend on the project as you see fit
  • Kobold Creates on-boarding meeting with our Content Production Manager, Kendo
  • First access to our new store affiliate program where you can earn money
  • Kobold Press social media/Discord sharing & support of your project
  • One highlight placement in our weekly newsletter serving over 55K people
  • A single interview on our weekly Kobold Chats livestream about the project
  • PDFs of the Tales of the Valiant books and VTT access keys for your team
  • One ToV Slip Case provided for Giveaways or Unboxings (valued at $129)

Selected projects will be asked to include the company logo and the Tales of the Valiant RPG logo on all final content released. Once projects are selected, Kobold Press will have no additional say in the content curation process. We consider this a hands-off sponsorship.

Next Steps

Begin by familiarizing yourself with the Tales of the Valiant RPG and the Black Flag Reference Document (BFRD). This year, we are specifically looking for projects highlighting the core ToV books, Player’s Guide and Monster Vault. You can find more information at

Once you have an idea, interested creators should complete the form below by April 29 at 11:49 pm PT. Please make sure to read and follow all instructions carefully, as failing to meet them may result in disqualification.


Social Media Platforms (only provide your most active)

Please upload your Media Kit as a PDF if you have one. This is not required and will not count against you if you do not have one.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB.
Do you have a Kobold Press store account already?(Required)
Have you used Kobold Press products in your content previously?(Required)
In 500 words or less, please describe the nature of your idea and the scope of the work. Include things like the cast members you’ll be working with, how you plan to highlight Tales of the Valiant, and what makes this project unique. Creators can choose to opt out of writing a pitch and provide a PDF Pitch Deck instead. Remember that judges will only have what you provide them, so be clever about how you present information. Any form submission without a Pitch or Pitch Deck upload will be disqualified.
Creators can choose to opt out of writing a pitch above and provide a PDF Pitch Deck instead. Remember that judges will only have what you provide them, so be clever about how you present information. | Files should be save in the following format: projectname-kobooldcreates-2024.pdf | Any form submission without a Pitch or Pitch Deck upload will be disqualified.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 400 MB.
Finish the line above, briefly sharing your excitement for Tales of the Valiant.
Briefly describe how the funds from Kobold Creates will support your project. Do not provide a budgetary breakdown. We are only seeking information on how these funds will help you achieve your creative goals with this project.
Please link to only one sample of work. This sample should highlight your best work or past creations similar to your pitch.
I understand…

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