Home / Midgard: Crossroads


The regions of Midgard spin around the Crossroads like spokes around a wheel. Everything that goes from north to south, and east to west, passes along the River Argent, the Sultan’s Road, the Great Northern Road, and other well-trod trade routes, all with their own difficulties and dangers.

But the nations that thrive in the heartland know how to spin copper into gold, and how to turn a sinking barge into a prince’s ransom. Though they borrow language, customs, tools, and even gods from all their neighbors, the Crossroads have their own code, their own pride, and their own way of doing business.

Born in the fires of revolution, the Free City of Zobeck shares borders with the dwarven Ironcrag cantons, the undead-ruled Blood Kingdom of Morgau, the human kingdom of the Magdar, and the female-dominated Duchy of Perun’s Daughter. Together, these regions—along with the Margreve forest, the Cloudwall Mountains, and the subterranean cities of the Ghoul Imperium and Lillefor—constitute the Crossroads of Midgard.

Welcome to the beating heart of the world.

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