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Warlock Patreon: Dragon Empire (PDF)


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Game System

D&D 5e


Game Masters

Midgard Region

Dragon Empires




Warlock Dragon Empire: Fire and Claw in Deep Caverns!

Thanks to the Warlock Patreon supporters, the fourth Midgard 5th Edition Warlock booklet is here.

The topic is all things scaled, fanged, and gold-seeking, with particular attention paid to the vast and ever-growing Mharoti Empire in Midgard. This booklet’s esteemed sections and designers are listed here:

  • 10 Magnificent Sultans of the Mharoti Empire, by Wolfgang Baur
  • Into the Dragon Empire: Marea and the Islands, by Chris Harris
  • Terrors of the Dragon Empire, by James J. Haeck
  • Phosus, Dread Wyrm of the Falls, by Jon Sawatsky
  • Yek Demons, by Jeremy Hochhalter
  • Dragon Turtles of Midgard: An Interview with a Sahuagin Scholar, by Brian Suskind

Support Warlock as we expand the dark fantasy options for 5E!


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  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Gaetan Voyer-Perrault

    Best Warlock zine yet.

    This is a great mix of lore and monsters and magic items. The history is delivered in a few different voices. There are multiple adventure hooks and lots of possible significant NPCs for PCs to meet. This is just the right mix of base line material + specific implementations.

    The artwork is great. There are 6 interior pieces + a front and back cover.

    The whole thing is 25 pages + TOC + license. So it’s a good amount of content.

    There are also some cross-overs. The section on “Phosus, Dread Wyrm of the Falls” connects over to “Warlock Lair 10: Firefalls of Ghoss” for higher level players. There’s also some talk of the Founder of “Dragon Magic”, connecting back to the “Deep Magic” book of the same name.

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