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Warlock Patreon: Blood Kingdoms (PDF)


Product Stats



Game System

D&D 5e


Game Masters



Midgard Region

Dark Kingdoms

Page Count



Warlock Delivers a Brace of the Twice-Damned Abominations!

Thanks to the Warlock Patreon supporters, the new 5th Edition booklet is here—with terrific cover art by Justine Jones. This one speeds its way to you on leathery wings and with all the fires of hell at its back!

Yes, we enter the Blood Kingdoms guided by the maleficent and magnificent Christopher Lockey, who offers a band of NPCs no hero wishes to meet all at once, as well as a trio of the most blood-soaked horrors from the crags of Krakovar!

Weighing in at 30 pages, this booklet’s topics include:

  • “The Band of the Twice Damned” by Christopher Lockey
  • “Abominations of the Blood Kingdoms” by Christopher Lockey

If you are one of the unfortunates bled dry by the hideous creatures within, well, we did warn you!

And please, support Warlock as we expand the dark fantasy options for 5E!

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