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Warlock 35: Priesthood (PDF)


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D&D 5e

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Warlock 35: Faith and Mighty Deeds!

Thanks to the Warlock Patreon supporters, the new 5th Edition booklet is here—with cover art by the stunningly talented Karl Waller, and interiors by Dean Spencer, Phil Stone and Karl Waller.

This zine is loaded with information for priests and paladins, and all servants of the divine. A Midgard monk even appears in its pages!

The character options include the Oath domain for clerics, the Oath of Tides for paladins, and the Way of the Storm for monks. You will also find 4 new spells, 3 magical rites, 8 blessings (including Loki’s Blessing), and 6 magical items from the Bottomless Tankard of Ninkash to Ariadne’s Tools. Expand and deepen the world of Midgard for your player characters and NPCs alike!

Weighing in at 28 pages, this zine’s topics include:

    • “The Deep Divine: Masks of the Priesthood” by Tim Hitchcock
    • “Servants of the Gods: Faith in the Crossroads” by Sebastian Rombach
    • Divine Interventions: Rewards for the Faithful by Rajan Khanna

And please, help support Warlock as we expand the dark fantasy options for 5E DnD!

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