Tales of the Valiant Monsters Adventures Player Options Design Guides VTT Magic Midgard

Unlikely Heroes for 5th Edition



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Product Stats

Weight 3 lbs
Game System

D&D 5e



Midgard Region



Character Options


Bundle (Print and PDF), Softcover, PDF



— New Options for 5th Edition Heroes —

Sometimes, heroes emerge from strange and forbidden places: the trackless deserts, deep oceans, magic-warped wastelands—even the crypts of the undead.

A dhampir swordswoman bares her fangs and impales a terrified foe on her blade! Her dust goblin companion drops from the shadows overhead and attacks with his spear while howling the names of alien gods!

Lightning begins to crackle around the jinnborn cleric’s mace, just as the sahuagin fighter, riding a gigantic shark, explodes from the underground lake…

Unlikely Heroes gives you everything you need to play a monstrous adventurer in 5th edition. Its pages are packed with PC racial traits, history, ecology, names, and more for 8 new races:

  • Derro
  • Dhampir
  • Dust Goblins
  • Jinnborn
  • Kijani
  • Lamia
  • Ramag
  • Sahuagin
  • 4 new backgrounds: Cannibal Headhunter, Prophet, Scavenger, and Seer
  • Two new variant backgrounds, the Tinker and the Beggar

Take the path less travelled today!

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  1. William

    This was my very first purchase from Kobold Press. It’s a great resource, I loved the Jinnborn race especially since one of my players had a character that was Djinni in 3.5 but when we converted to 5e I had the character on the back burner until we figured out how to convert him to 5e. Now I don’t have to and he will be very excited this weekend when I can give him his character back in 5e now. I’m looking forward to my next purchase which will be the Tome of Beasts.

  2. Endzeitgeist

    An Endzeitgeist.com review

    The third pdf converting unique Midgard-races to 5e clocks in at 27 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial/ToC, 2/3 of a page SRD, 1 page advertisement, leaving us with 23 1/2 pages of content, so let’s take a look!

    We begin this pdf with a nice and brief introduction to the weird races – and the considerations that adventuring with them entails before diving into the subject matter. It should be noted that each race receives 5e’s standard of fluffy introductions, guiding the prospective player towards making well-considered characters. Playing advice and nomenclature are similarly covered, which is nice to see – particularly when playing, for example, an insane derro! Yep, that would be the first race and the guidance is much appreciated. Speaking of dressing and guidance – a series of inter-connected tables helps you come up with endearing “eccentricities” for such characters – whether its irrational fear, taboos or the like, small objects and living creatures, delusions or physical effects like inappropriate weeping or hunchbacks – just a few rolls and there you go. This is the level of “one step beyond” I love to see in racial supplements.

    Crunch-wise, derro increase Dex by 2 and Con by 1,a re Small and have a speed of 30 ft. They have superior darkvision and sunlight sensitivity, advantage on Constitution saves versus spells and saves versus the charmed and frightened conditions, courtesy of their insanity. Amazing, evocative, best iteration of the race I’ve seen so far.

    Dhampirs would be up next and icnrease their Cha by 2, Dex by 1 and are Medium. They gain darkvision and have advantage on saving throws versus disease as well as resistance against necrotic damage. As an action, they may beguile a creature within 30 ft., gaining advantage on Charisma checks versus said creature for 1 hour, but thereafter, the creature will turn hostile. immunity to charm proofs against the ability and it requires a short or long rest to recharge. And thankfully, the blood thirst aspect has not fallen by the wayside (seriously, if you play a dhampir sans blood thirst, what’s the point??) – the dhampir has a bite that inflicts 1 point of piercing damage, inflicting up to Cha-mod (min 1) necrotic damage while feeding. If the target is damaged thus, you regain a spent hit dice, but these thankfully cap at Con mod hit dice per rest interval, once again, minimum one. Powerful, yes…but not to the point where I’d consider them problematic, considering the stigma they will necessarily suffer from. That being said, I *do* have one complaint. Dark Thirst should only work on intelligent foes. RAW, you can carry around a snack-bag of kittens to satiate your thirst…which is despicable, but efficient. The rest interval cap does prevent me from going all ranty on it.

    The Great Old Ones-worshipping dust goblins would be next – they increase their Dex by 2 and COn by 1, are Small, have a speed of 30 ft., gain darkvision and have advantage on saves versus being charmed or frightened. They have proficiency in Stealth and Survival. When they attack a creature from hiding, they must succeed a Wisdom save or be frightened for 1 round. Solid.

    The jinnborn are next, with the name pretty much explaining the concept. They increase their Con yb 2 and gain darkvision 60 ft. as well as proficiency in Persuasion. They also are tied to the desert and every month spent apart from it results in a Charisma save or a madness incurred They also choose a mystic path, called siraati, which is aligned with one of the elements. The race sports two subraces: Speaker jinnborn receive an increase to Wis by 1 while shapers increase their Strength by 1. Speakers may, up to Wisdom modifier times (min 1) per long rest interval either gain advantage on a save or impose disadvantage on an attack made against them and they have advantage on saves versus stunning and extreme environments and on checks to navigate the wild and avoid being lost. Shapers, on the other hand, may up to Constitution modifier times per long rest interval add +1d6 damage corresponding to the siraati’s energy to their attack, but only once per turn. They also gain resistance to the energy corresponding with the chosen siraati.

    The humanoid plantskijani increase their Wisodm by 2 and another ability score of their choice by 1 and are plants. They gain darkvision and have proficiency in their choice of one of Arcana, History, nature or Religion. They enter a state of dormancy, but are immune to sleep-causing effects and unlock speak with plants at 7th level, cast as a 3rd level spell, with Wisdom as governing attribute. When below 1/2 maximum hit points, a kijani’s serenity makes way to their primeval fury and they may once per turn add +1d4 to weapon damage or add +2 to their AC as a reaction to being hit. Nice!

    The seductive and serpentine lamia are up next – they increase their Strength by 2, their Charisma by 1 and are monstrosities with a climb and swim speed of 20 ft., respectively. They gain darkvision and are proficient in Deception and Intimidation. Additionally, they gain advantage on attack rolls versus surprised creatures or those charmed by you or your allies as well as saves versus being knocked prone. HOWEVER, due to their serpentine body, they cannot benefit from any items, effects etc. that enhance legs or feet or require them – nice catch!

    The Ramag may look like humans at first glance, but the erstwhile servitors of titans are a different breed entirely, with strand-thick hair and generally, an angular and spindly look. They increase their Intelligence by 2 and teir Dexterity by 1 and have proficiency in Arcana as well as advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws versus spells. oh, and they can ignore class requirements when attuning magic items, which is pretty damn strong…but also cool. And since the other requirements are untouched, I’m cool with the choice.

    Next up would be a classic – the sahuagin, who increase their Strength by 2, their Wisdom by 1 and they have a swim speed of an impressive 40 ft. in addition to the default land speed for Medium creatures. They gain superior darkvision, surprisingly sans the usually accompanying light sensitivity or blindness and a natural AC of 12 + Dex-mod. They may telepathically communicate with sharks within 120 ft. and are proficient with both claws and bite, each of which inflict 1d4 damage, slashing and piercing, respectively. As a bonus action, they may enter blood frenzies, which nets advantage on attacks versus creatures that do not have all hit points – weird: I figured this should not work versus constructs. Anyhow, the ability can only be used Con-mod (min 1) times in a long-rest interval. As a major downside, the race needs to be completely submerged once in every 4 hours or they begin suffocating, which is an apt balancing mechanism for the power gained.

    All of the races come with an height and weight table and we also receive backgrounds – 4 fully presented ones can be found, including personality traits, goals etc. – not just the feature boil-down! Cannibal Headhunters can use their…unconventional practices to prevent hostilities with humanoids and savage beings, while prophets can generally hope to receive a helping hand from those inclined to believe in their patron. Scavengers can dumpster dive in settlements, scavenging low-cost items from refuse, while seers don’t necessarily have divinatory powers…but they sure as hell can draw upon the well-meaning of the relaxation and favor of their patrons…which in itself sports copious amounts of roleplaying potential. All of these backgrounds come with appropriate benefits regarding languages, proficiencies and equipment.

    Finally, we receive two variants of other backgrounds, the first of which would be the tinker, who modifies the guild artisan, who can use downtime to jury-rig traps and devices (cool!), while the urchin-variant beggar knows where to get basics and how to get by on less than a shoestring budget and also receives variant skill proficiencies.


    Editing and formatting are top-notch, I noticed no grievous hiccups in either formal or rules-language criteria. Layout adheres to a two-column full-color standard with gorgeous full-color artworks for all races. The pdf comes bookmarked with nested bookmarks.

    The four horsemen’s 5e-specialist Dan Dillon, with additional design by none other than Kobold-in-chief Wolfgang Baur, delivers a thoroughly amazing collection of races herein. The totality of options here is balanced, evocative and flavorful, with roleplaying potential galore and mechanically unique, evocative components. The drawbacks, where present, are not crippling, but rather of the rpg-enhancing variety and the complete collection of critters ultimately can be considered to be better balanced than the PFRPG-iterations of the respective races, all without losing what makes them amazing in the first place. Add to that the cool and evocative backgrounds that do exactly what they should, namely help with the details of the characters in question, and we have a fantastic racial supplement, well worth of 5 stars + seal of approval. Midgard in 5th edition is shaping up to be even cooler than in PFRPG.

    Endzeitgeist out.

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