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The Lost City (4th Edition) PDF


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Game System

D&D 4e


Game Masters

Midgard Region



Enter the Lost City!

The Lost City is an adventure set in the classic ruins of a once-great city: treasure and glory await!

Written by former Wizards of the Coast designer Logan Bonner, lead designer on Arcane Power and author of the fan-favorite adventures The Slaying Stone and P1: King of the Trollhaunt Warrens.

The Lost City is a Paragon-level sandbox adventure with a broad range of player options and twists. It offers lost threats and secrets — plus a new servitor race, new magic, mysterious ghostly foes, and multiple factions for players to ally themselves with – or against!

Visit Kadralhu, the City Beneath the Sands, a place of shifting dunes and layers of lost civilizations. Uncover its mysteries, and loot the treasures of ancient days!

96 page PDF. For levels 14 to 17.

About Logan Bonner

Logan Bonner has worked on 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons since before its release, initially at Wizards of the Coast and now as a freelancer. His contributions to the game include the new version of the bard, divine domains, the swordmage class, and familiars. He served as lead designer on Arcane Power, and his work appears in PlayerÂ’s Handbook, AdventurerÂ’s Vault 2, Monster Vault, and the primary books for the Forgotten Realms and Dark Sun settings.

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