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Tales of the Valiant: Player’s Guide & Monster Vault Pocket Editions



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Tales of the Valiant





Tales of the Valiant: Player’s Guide

Join the Ranks of the Valiant!

Every adventure needs a beginning. Start your own tale in an infinite universe of high fantasy adventure with the Tales of the Valiant Player’s Guide! Within these pages, a trove of knowledge lies ready, waiting for the valiant to claim it!

  • Make your own unique and legendary hero with the new Lineage and Heritage system.
  • Select Talents and Backgrounds that make your hero truly stand apart.
  • Master improved spellcasting and martial abilities to ensure every hero stands tall in a fight!
  • Explore new downtime rules to expand your game beyond the dungeon.
  • Learn a streamlined, 5E-compatible ruleset with unique mechanics to increase both risk and reward.

Tales of the Valiant is a Black Flag Roleplaying Game from Kobold Press. Gather your friends and journey together across a labyrinth of worlds in search of adventure!

Tales of the Valiant: Monster Vault

All the Monsters You Need for a Valiant Adventure!

The Monster Vault contains over 400 monsters for the Tales of the Valiant roleplaying game and all the guidance you need as a Game Master to run encounters with those monsters!

In this book, you’ll find:

  • Classic fantasy monsters, such as ogres, dragons, water elementals, and giants.
  • New monsters suitable for any fantasy or science fantasy world, such as ambush hags, virtuoso liches,
    fey guardians, mechadrons, and robots.
  • New terrors from the ever-corrupting Void, such as voidlings, star crows, crimson jellies, and the mighty void dragon.

The Monster Vault also contains all the information a Game Master needs to create encounters with monsters, including monster roles and tactics, and it includes optional rules for Game Master Doom points.

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