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Tales of the Valiant: Encounter Tracker (PDF)


Looking for even more digital tools? Combine the Encounter Tracker with the Kobold Press Encounter Builder!

SKU: KOB-6159-ME-PDF Categories: , ,

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Game System

Tales of the Valiant




Game Masters


Epic Encounters Made Simple!

Keep every spinning plate of your next encounter up in the air and at your fingertips with the Tales of the Valiant Encounter Tracker!

This FREE PDF breaks any encounter down into the most important details, ensuring you never lose track of a carefully hidden spike trap, approaching toxic storm, or your villain’s most devastating ability.

The Encounter Sheet also includes space to incorporate encounter budgeting mechanics from the Tales of the Valiant Game Master’s Guide, which help ensure your next battle is balanced somewhere between ‘Tough but Fair’ and ‘Doomed’.

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