Tales of the Valiant Monsters Adventures Player Options Design Guides VTT Magic Midgard

Shadows of the Dusk Queen for 5th Edition



Product Stats


Bundle (Print and PDF), Print, PDF

Game System

D&D 5e


Game Masters

5E Tier

Level 5-10



Midgard Region



The Queen of Shadows!

Throughout the land, legends of the Dusk Queen persist. They speak of a sometimes kind, other times cruel, yet always mysterious fey queen who ruled from her Dusk Tower—a tall spire of smooth, dark stone in the heart of a great, shadowy forest. Perhaps the most gripping legends, however, whisper of the Dusk Queen’s sudden and mysterious disappearance … and her even more mysterious return.

A 5th-Edition adventure for four 8th-level characters, suitable for play in any forest.

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