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Secret of the Silver Rune


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Product Stats

Game System

Tales of the Valiant

Adventure Level

Level 4 to 5


Christopher Lockey


PDF, Virtual Table Top

Page Count





Journey to Shadehold. Discover a Rune to Unmake the World! 

Malign forces gather in the remote fortress of Shadehold, where an apocalyptic order of mages marked by the void pursue dark ends. The dire warning of an escaped fugitive leads your party to this ebon citadel on a quest to save the world! 

Secret of the Silver Rune is a 24-page Tales of the Valiant adventure for four to five 4th level characters. Overcoming the threats within Shadehold will raise your party to 6th level, but don’t expect it to be easy! 

This adventure features new Tales of the Valiant monsters, including the twisted Witnesses of the Yawning Void, and powerful new magic items like the Monocle of Arcane Detection and the handy Eversmoking Bottle.

Cut through the corrupt wilderness, battle an apocalyptic cult, and drive back the void! 

Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Valiant.

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