Tales of the Valiant Monsters Adventures Player Options Design Guides VTT Magic Midgard

Player’s Guide to the Crossroads (PDF)


Product Stats



Game System




Midgard Region

Zobeck and Crossroads


Character Options


Shadow Magic and Clockwork Kings

This 36-page collection of materials provides players with an overview of the central  region of the Midgard Campaign Setting, with a wide range of new powers and options for any Pathfinder RPG campaign, including:

  • 3 New PC races: the Kobolds, the Ghoulish Darakhul, and Gearforged
  • The Shadowsworn Class: a 20-level class of roguery and shadow magic, with 7 new spells!
  • Dark Holidays of the Crossroads
  • New options for Cavaliers, Paladins, and Rogues, including Griffon Knights, Fixers, and White Lions
  • Ghoulish and Vampiric Sorcerer Bloodlines
  • Clockwork and Illumination Schools of Magic
  • 60 new feats and dozen of regional traits
  • 8 new weapons for dwarves, gypsies, and rogues, including the rat poniard and Nordmansch greatax

The Crossroads region of Midgard includes all the most famous locales of the setting, including the Margreve Forest, the Ironcrag Cantons, the Magdar Kingdom, the Free City of Zobeck, and the undead lands of Morgau and the Ghoul Imperium.

Master the magic of the Crossroads, and unleash its new spells, feats, and mysteries!

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