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Last Gasp (Fantasy Grounds License Key)


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Last Gasp for 5th Edition (PDF)

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Product Stats


Virtual Table Top

Game System

D&D 5e

5E Tier

Level 5-10

Midgard Region





Crack Open the Tomb, and Awaken Ancient Curses!

Come, friends, and shake the desert from your hair! The chill of night falls swiftly upon the dunes, and we should keep the darkness at bay together. Ah, you have a discerning eye! This is the seal of an ancient king, uncovered by a terrible sandstorm. Shall I tell you of the folly of Menet-Ka and of those who breathed their last in his service?

Last Gaspis an adventure set in the Southlands Campaign Setting, exploring the cursed tomb of an ancient king of great magical power, a magical river, and including both deadly combats and mysteries to confound tomb-robbers. It is designed for five or six 6th-level characters using the 5th Edition rules and includes two entirely new monsters, the rotting wind and the anubian, presented with complete 5th Edition stats.

Seek out the riches of a king, and may fortune favor you!

This adventure premiered at Gen Con 2015 in Indianapolis, to much acclaim, and is presented here in an expanded version.

Converted by:  Wolfgang Baur

Requires:An active subscription or a one time purchase of a Fantasy Grounds Full or Ultimate license and the included 5E Compatible ruleset.

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