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Larger Than Life 4: Frost Giants (Pathfinder RPG) (PDF)


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Game System



Game Masters


Monsters, Spells and Items


Hammer of the Gods!

From the frozen, inhospitable tundras and snow-capped peaks of mountain ranges, the frost giants dominate the regions they inhabit – exerting control over the beasts and all but the most powerful dragons. They wreak utter destruction on their victims, leaving no building standing and no creature alive. Few humanoids dare to challenge these monsters of the icy North.

Larger Than Life: Frost Giants from RPG Superstar Mike Welham offers plenty of material for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GMs who want to bring giants into their game, including:

  • 17 new frost giant racial feats including Avalanche Rider, Frigid Aura, and Limb-Breaking Critical.
  • New frost giant gear including berserker dust, ice veins, and double-bladed axe
  • New frost giant spells and magic items: battle frenzy, frostmark, braid whip token, and mistwolf
  • A frost giant berserker variant, adventure seeds, and a CR 17 NPC: the terrifying Cold Doom and his rimefur wolf companion Whisperfoot.
  • An extensive overview of frost giant society, customs, religion and relations with other races

Give your players a chilling challenge with Larger Than Life: Frost Giants today!

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