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Divine Favor: the Inquisitor (Pathfinder RPG) (PDF)


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Game System





Character Options, Spells and Items


While other divine character classes are busy healing, defending and supporting allies, the lone-wolf inquisitor is on the offensive, busting heads with ruthless efficiency and grim zeal. How best to take advantage of this unusual class? Divine Favor: the Inquisitor has the answers.

Designed by Stefen Styrsky, Divine Favor: the Inquisitor is the fifth and final volume in the Divine Favor series that also covers druid, paladin, cleric and oracle. This 20-page volume includes:

  • New inquisitor abilities: Censure and Condemnations
  • 11 new inquisitions including Balance, Darkness, Fire, Ice, Pestilence, Song, and Thunder
  • 6 new inquisitor archetypes: Ghost Hunter, Hand of God, Penitent, Stalking Shadow, Sworn Foe, Witch Hunter
  • 8 new spells including final rest, invisible hunter, nail foot, and well of angry souls
  • New feats: additional condemnation, condemnation strike and extra condemnation

Pick up Divine Favor: the Inquisitor and become the terrible emissary of divine justice! And check out the other books in the Divine Favor series.

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