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Divine Favor: the Cleric (Pathfinder RPG) (PDF)


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Game System





Character Options, Spells and Items


The cleric has a vital yet complex role within a party: healer, wizard, fighter, and bane of the undead. Divine Favor: the Cleric is an invaluable resource to anyone wanting to play one of the oldest character classes in fantasy roleplaying.

Designed by Stefen Styrsky with additional design by Wolfgang Baur, Divine Favor: the Cleric is the fourth in the Divine Favor series that also covers druid, paladin, inquisitor and oracle. This volume includes:

  • How to make the most of your cleric
  • New domains: Alchemy, Apocalypse, and Prophecy
  • New subdomains: Books, Entropy, Exorcism, Gambling, Horoscope, Lies, Potion, Transmutation, Truth, and Weapons
  • New cleric archetypes: Ascetic, Charismatic, Enthusiast, Exorcist, Flagellant, Theosophist, Vatic, Weapon-Sworn, Wonder Worker
  • Variant channeling rules
  • New spells: FortuneÂ’s Frown, Lucky Break, Lucky Totem, Reading Aid, Manipulate Symbol, Wind Down

Pick up Divine Favor: the Cleric and wield the power of the gods! And check out the other books in the Divine Favor series.

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Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under license. See paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

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