Tales of the Valiant Monsters Adventures Player Options Design Guides VTT Magic Midgard

Campaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins (Hardcover)


Product Stats

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 11 × 1 in

Celeste Conowitch

Game System

Tales of the Valiant, D&D 5e, Generic




Print, Hardcover

Page Count



Brave the Darkness! Your Ultimate Guide to Dungeon Design.

Challenge your players with journeys into subterranean halls and long-lost cities with Campaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins. The ultimate dungeoneering tool, Dungeons & Ruins provides a comprehensive guide to creating engaging dungeons, terrifying traps, and much more!

Campaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins brings you everything you need:

  • Fill your dungeons with 15 sample curses, 17 hazards, and 12 all-new traps, or concoct your own with a step-by-step guide to mayhem!
  • New player options including 6 new subclasses, 5 new heritages, 11 new talents, more than 40 magic items, and more than 15 new spells for your team of dungeon delvers!
  • Develop advanced exploration and skill challenges to push your characters to their ultimate limits—make each encounter count!
  • Learn the art of dungeon design and make best use of clever tricks, wandering monsters, and logical room mapping, then put it all together to build megadungeons for major campaigns.
  • Keep your dungeon’s secrets close with a downloadable Dungeon Tracker sheet—never lose track of your creation.

Create perilous adventures in deep places today, with Campaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins!

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