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Book of Hexcrawl: Part Three: Mapping (PDF)


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Game System

D&D 5e


Alex Dzuricky, W.F. Smith



Page Count





Apprentice Hexagonal Geomancy! 

Six hexes does not a hexcrawl make! In our third installment in the Book of Hexcrawl, we’re taking a look at advanced mapping and worldbuilding techniques designed to make a comprehensive and geographically consistent map for players to, well…crawl on! 

This 12-page PDF puts mapping out your adventure at the forefront, allowing hexcrawl GMs to begin work on a world that allows for creative and exciting adventures 

  • Use real-world geography to move outside the generic fantasy sandbox! 
  • Combine multiple biomes and regions to create a hexcrawl map that reflects real geography and unique regional designs. 
  • Build roads, havens, and points of interest to lure your players beyond their starting point and out into the world. 

Help your players take their first steps into a larger (much larger!) world, with Book of Hexcrawl 3: Mapping

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