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Book of Hexcrawl, Part Seven: Motivation (PDF)


Product Stats

Game System

D&D 5e


Alex Dzuricky, W.F. Smith



Page Count





The Art of Pushing Your Heroes Out the Door 

Your map sprawls out before you, mystery and adventure revealed in each hex. Your factions have begun their machinations, events are in motion, and the world needs heroes. 

But your heroes? They don’t know what to do, and most importantly, why they should do anything! Book of Hexcrawl 7: Motivation is a 12-page PDF with tools and strategies for engaging players with the sandbox you’ve built for them. 

  • Craft the perfect rumor to propel your party to adventure. 
  • Use tricks for encouraging exploration and engagement. 
  • Pull plot-hooks and campaign arcs from your players’ backstories. 

Every player wants something. Send them after it with Book of Hexcrawl 7: Motivation

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