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Book of Blades: Warfare (PDF)


Product Stats



Game System

D&D 5e


Game Masters, Players


Adventure, Character Options, Spells and Items

Page Count



Fighting Brings us all Together.

Kobold Press proudly presents part seven of our smash series, Book of Blades: Warfare!

Fighting is more than just an individual calling. It can also be a group activity. Conventional wisdom tells GMs to put PCs in supporting roles around a battle. But why would you keep a weapon master out of a battle and on some sideline mission? Put them in the thick of the fight!

This 15-page tome girds you for war. Inside, you’ll find:

  • Historical and fictional inspiration to get you in fighting shape.
  • Fight against Battlefield Units—send your PC against a literal army.
  • Siege Engines let you toss an earth elemental into the fray!

And that’s not even all of it! Form up around making melee amazing with Book of Blades: Warfare!

What is Book of Blades?

Book of Blades is a Kobold Press special series focused on melee combat. This 12-part series examines the classes, weapons, tactics, and people that make combat a fundamental part of the fantasy roleplaying experience.

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