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Lady of White Rose Manor (Shard VTT)


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Product Stats

Game System

D&D 5e



5E Tier

Level 5-10


Chris Harris

Page Count



Game Masters


A Vampire Hunt in the World of Midgard!

The village of Sulca lies in the grim shadow of a vampire mistress, the dread Lady Ilinca. Forced to pay a tax in blood for a perceived slight, the village dares to seek relief from the undead terror by hiring a band of intrepid heroes—that’s where you come in! 

Lady of White Rose Manor is a 22-page 5E adventure set in the Cloudwall Mountains of Midgard—drop it into your Midgard campaign or transplant White Rose Manor to your homebrew world! It is suitable for four to five characters of 5th level. Explore the halls of White Rose Manor, fend off ghouls, ghost knights, lich hounds, and the Lady of White Rose herself, in a classic vampire hunt to liberate Sulca from its sanguine overlord. 

Prepare for an unforgettable battle against the creatures of the night with Lady of White Rose Manor

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