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Tales of the Valiant Game Master’s Guide (Foundry License Key)


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Product Stats


Virtual Table Top

Game System

Tales of the Valiant

Supported Game System

Black Flag Roleplaying

Foundry Version

v. 12


The Ultimate Game Master’s Toolbox

Great storytellers make great stories. The Game Master’s Guide for the Tales of the Valiant roleplaying game contains everything Game Masters need to build deep narratives, exciting combats, and compelling adventures.

  • Learn what your players enjoy, customize your game to their playstyles, and keep everyone engaged and enthusiastic.
  • Start worldbuilding with plenty of tables, checklists, and creative prompts to craft a unique, fresh setting.
  • Raise your exploration, social, and combat encounters up a notch with advanced tools and techniques for maximizing their potential.
  • Homebrew original monsters, character options, and more like the pros with advice, best practices, and building-block examples.

Build Your World. Craft Your Adventure. Run Your Game.

The Foundry Conversion:

This module includes:

  • All content from the book, crosslinked with other content throughout.
  • 181 Rollable Tables to build dungeons, treasure hordes, set up random encounters, etc.
  • Individual items for curses, diseases, hazards, poisons, traps, magic items, and firearms & special gear.
  • 10 new vehicles.
  • 15 example monsters from the Homebrewer’s Toolbox chapter.
  • Macros that combine the rolls of multiple tables.

The Tales of the Valiant Game Master’s Guide is a key resource for Game Masters regardless of experience.

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