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Kobold Guide to Roleplaying (PDF)


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Let Your Inner Thespian Shine Through!

There’s a reason it’s called a tabletop ROLEplaying game. Taking on the personae of different characters in the story brings a richness and depth to the experience and can make your game sessions exciting and memorable. But how can the poor, harried Game Master wrangle a whole slew of unique personalities on top of all the other work that goes into preparing each week?

The Kobold Guide to Roleplaying has the answers you seek. Inside, find over 100 pages of ideas and suggestions for bringing out all the exceptional dispositions, temperaments, emotions, and quirks of every NPC the player characters meet. Gain insight into:

  • Getting into the minds of your villains
  • Developing and roleplaying a character arc
  • Using roleplaying as a storytelling device
  • Roleplaying high or low ability scores
  • Game mastering more theatrically
  • Creating in-character connections at the table

The Kobold Guide to Roleplaying includes thoughtful and practical essays from seasoned RPG writers such as Michael E. Shea, Keith Ammann, Shanna Germain, and Luke Gygax, along with roleplaying influencers including Ginny Di, B. Dave Walters, Bob the Worldbuilder, and Clint McElroy, plus several more.

Set the stage and bring down the lights. The curtain is going up!

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  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Renato Garbelini Covos

    Roleplaying can be hard; well, it mostly is hard for many of us, we are not natural actors or great extroverts that connect with other people instantaneously, putting ourselves out there can be quite daunting.
    Whether you play D&D, Alien, Starfinder, ShadowDark, Tales of the Valiant, DCC, Pathfinder, Candela Obscura, Rivers of London, 5e, The Expanse or any other, this collection of short essays by explore narration, imagination, creativity, and kindness in a fun and interesting way.
    It was an insightful read that reminded me that roleplaying is, above all, playing.
    It is a resource that I see myself coming back to again and again.

  2. Rated 4 out of 5


    A lot of great tips in short easy to read essays.

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