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Warlock Patreon: Mythos (PDF)


SKU: KP-Warlock-5E-1-Mythos-PDF Categories: , , , , ,

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Game System

D&D 5e


Game Masters, Players


Adventure, Character Options, Monsters, Spells and Items

Page Count



Warlock Mythos: A Walk on the Dark Side!

Thanks to the Warlock Patreon supporters, the first Midgard 5th Edition Warlock booklet is here.

The topic is the Cthulhu Mythos in Midgard, and the sections and designers are listed here:

  • Warlocks, Witches, and Wanderings
  • Forbidden Mountains of Beldestan, by Wolfgang Baur
  • The Delights of Enkada Pishtuhk, by Troy E. Taylor with Ben McFarland
  • Legacy of the Unhinged Gardeners by Richard Green
  • Void-Touched: Warped Flesh and Twisted Minds, by Dan Dillon

Support Warlock as we expand the dark fantasy options for 5E!


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  1. Rated 4 out of 5

    Gaetan Voyer-Perrault

    I backed this on Patreon with no clear expectations beyond the standard Kobold Press quality bar.

    The art quality in this edition is great. I was immediately able to pull the creature into an ongoing campaign. My PCs now all have a healthy fear of the Warlock’s Trumpetbloom.

    The Beldestan background is a fun read and I’m really excited for the full Midgard Campaign setting to ship in order to incorporate this stuff into the greater. Likewise with all of the void-touched tables that seem only relevant to that world.

    The content is a little shorter than issues 2 and 3, which both have 24 instead of 20 pages, but that’s an artifact of the original Patreon campaign.

    Overall this is a fun read with some useful ideas and beautiful art.

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