Between the covers of the Midgard Bestiary: Pathfinder RPG Edition lurk more than 100 of the greatest monsters from Kobold Quarterly magazine and Open Designs award-winning adventures and sourcebooksalong with new threats youve never seen before.
More than 50 new monsters and new art compared with the AGE edition of our Bestiary. That’s 50% new material overall.
Get ready for more than 100 pages of deadly foes from the alleys of Zobeck, the empire of the ghouls, the courts of the shadow and river fey, the Margreve forest and the Ironcrag mountains, including:
- Steam golems and ice maidens
- Kobold slyblades and witchlight constructs
- Ghost knights and blood hags
- Ink devils and lich hounds
- Iron ghouls and goblin sharks
- Roachling warriors and derro fetal savants
- Cave dragons and dire weasels
Game Masters can use these monsters in the Midgard campaign setting, or add them to any fantasy world. Get the Midgard Bestiary today, and unleash the dire weasels!
Designed by Adam Daigle.
Open Design is a trademark of Open Design LLC.
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under license. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.