Welcome to the enchanting world of RiverBank RPG. A cozy tabeltop game from Kobold Press, created and written by acclaimed Hugo and Nebula Award winner, Kij Johnson.

No Badges, No Lines, All Kobolds
An Online Convention March 28th – 30th, 2025

In the 5E tradition, Dungeons & Ruins offers deadly risks and great rewards. All it takes is a torch, a sharp sword, and great courage…

The new Tales of the Valiant RPG keeps the 5th Edition community independent and tabletop moving forward—use it to tell your own tales of 5E high adventure!
The Latest From the Kobold Press Blog
Forestry Service: Steal this monster! (and make your own with this template)
Try this new template on Beasts and Monstrosities that hail from the Old Margreve.
Midgard Monday: Ironcrags heritages of Upper and Lower Nordmansch
Diverse in their beliefs and practices, cults have emerged in every corner of Midgard. However, in a land filled with unstable environments, political conflict, and ancient mystical forces, the Northlands of Midgard is ripe for exploring the dynamics of cults in your campaigns.
Rider Monsters: beef up your lich boss with a helpful, glowy pal
Extraordinarily powerful creatures possess exploitable weaknesses. Some cultivate relationships with less powerful creatures to help offset those weaknesses. These lesser beings are called “rider monsters,” and they add a wrinkle in combats against boss monsters.
Run a Campaign Like a Fiction Author, part 2
Sometimes the dice get in the way of telling a terrific story. But they don’t have to. You can bend the rules to your will, and even break them from time to time, to achieve a campaign that feels more like a novel.