Home / Midgard: Northlands


To walk beneath Midgard’s northern lights is like stepping into a different world, where honor is more common than steel and history mingles with myth. Unexplored wilderness, rife with natural and supernatural dangers, surrounds small settlements and petty kingdoms—some of which have grown into power through dwarven mining and magic, human resourcefulness and persistence, and the wise words of the huginn and the shieldmaidens of Thor.

Here, nature is more dangerous than the most savage band of Vikings. Deadly creatures lurk in dark pine forests; blizzards and snowdrifts can isolate farms and towns for months at a time, and the temperature plummets to a deadly chill during the winter months. But for all its harshness and hazards, the North is breathtakingly beautiful. The raw air of towering mountains fills climbers with euphoria. Frost glitters in the morning sun, making the world shine as if coated with diamonds; waterfalls thunder over cliffs, cascading down through an unearthly haze of mist and rainbows.

This is a land where the mightiest of giant-kind challenge guests to games of strength, dragons crouch atop piles of cursed gold, and reaver dwarves and trollkin berserkers sweep down the coast to ravage and loot. The Norns weave destiny for god and mortal alike, and no one escapes their final doom.

But with courage, skill, and luck, you might forge a reputation that will last long after your death—or even earn a place among the heroes in Asgard. Sharpen your axe and raise the dragon’s head upon the longship’s prow, the Northlands are calling!

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