Home / Game Master Application Form Game Master Application Form Hi! This is our general Game Master Application. You might ask yourself “What the Kobold does that mean?”, which is understandable! It means this form is not for any specific convention, but for you to show interest and us to invite you into the program in case you are attending conventions we run games at. Alternatively, we can officially back any games you run or organize at conventions where Kobold Press doesn’t have a presence. Thank you in advance for showing interest!Name (Birth or Chosen)(Required) First Last PronounsEmail(Required) Discord(Required)What Conventions do you plan to attend in 2025? (Select all that apply) GaryCon GameCon Canada KoboldCon GenCon DragonCon GameholeCon Other What other conventions do you plan to attend?Tell us a bit about yourself! Do you play Tales of the Valiant? How long have you known about Kobold Press? How long have you been a Game Master?(Required)Tell us a bit about your GM Style! This has no impact on whether or not you are accepted into the program.(Required)Kobold Press will occasionally share unreleased material with Game Masters to give them ample time to prepare their adventures, to do this securely we require all Game Masters to sign an NDA, are you ok with doing this to be a part of our program?(Required) Yes No If you are to GM for Kobold Press at all, you will be required to read and agree to the Kobold Press Code of Conduct. Are you okay with this? (Please select yes or no)(Required) Yes No Δ