Organized Play

Join the Ranks of the Valiant!

Join your fellow gamers for 5th edition and Tales of the Valiant Organized Play! This page is a one-stop shop for ongoing events of gaming, role-playing, and discovering the world of imagination. Kobold Press runs games throughout the year through our Discord and at Conventions all over the world, welcoming all who share our passion for gaming.

Please note: All Kobold Press GMs and Players must read the Code of Conduct and agree to follow these rules when you participate in a Kobold Press event.

What Events does Kobold Press currently attend?

  • Game Con Canada
  • KoboldCon
  • Free RPG Day
  • GenCon
  • GameholeCon

Is there a convention you want to see Kobold Press at? Email us at [email protected] and let us know!

How to participate as a Player at a Kobold Press event?

Signing up at each convention has its own process. For example, you can register for events with KoboldCon in our Discord. We recommend looking at each convention’s website to ensure how to get tickets for our games and events.

What does Kobold Press provide their players?

At each event, we offer a range of accommodations that depend on the event size, capabilities, and bandwidth. However, there are certain things we ensure for every Kobold Press table. Each Kobold Press table will have pre-generated characters and cheat sheets for you to pick up and begin playing. You will also have our official Safety Tool Deck of Player Safety, as well as physical copies of the necessary books for the adventure at the table.

Player FAQ

Question: Can I bring my character to a Kobold Press table?
Answer: Yes, but we leave it up to GM Discretion as to whether or not you are allowed to use it. We empower our GMs to be the decision-makers at their table.

Question: I may require extra attention due to a disability or accessibility need. Does Kobold Press offer any support or accommodation for players with these needs?

Answer: Please email [email protected] at least a week before the convention you plan on attending with Kobold Press. This will give us enough time to prepare any necessary accommodation. We apologize in advance if we are unable to fulfill every request. We will always do our best to meet your needs.

Question: What do you not provide players at the table?

Answer: We may bring additional materials from convention to convention; however, we do not provide dice, pencil, or paper, as these are essentials for every player to bring to a session.

Question: What temperature does Kobold Press keep their game room?

Answer: Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the temperature of our game room at each convention, but we will always do our best to keep our game rooms slightly cooler to alleviate you from the heat typically attributed to conventions. If we do have access to the room’s thermostat, we will always aim for 68-70℉ (20-21°C).

Tell Your Tale with Kobold Press!

Kobold Press takes pride in the prestige and quality of its Game Master program within the world of Organized Play. Whether we are collaborating with some of the best professional GMs in the industry or training the storytellers of tomorrow, the Kobold Press Game Masters is a community of loving and passionate individuals who value the time spent not only running games but also preparing the best experience possible for players.

Please note: All Kobold Press GMs and Players must read the Code of Conduct and agree to follow these rules when participating in a Kobold Press event.

Want to become a Game Master with Kobold Press?

 Submit an application here!

How to participate as a GM at a Kobold Press event?

If accepted into the Kobold Press Game Master Program after applying via the link above, we will work with you and provide scheduling tools, materials, and other resources necessary to prepare for the conventions you game with us at! We will always post across our various social media when we are looking for convention GMs so stay tuned to those as well.

What does Kobold Press provide their Game Masters?

We are committed to providing high-quality materials to all our Game Masters. Prior to each convention, we will supply PDF copies of all the necessary materials for you to keep, as well as physical copies of core books and player option books at the tables. For online convention play, we also offer VTT modules and/or digital maps & tokens when needed. In addition, we provide all Game Masters with a set of our official TOV Resin Dice, Dice Tray, the Tales of the Valiant Game Masters Screen, and a copy of our official Safety Tool Deck of Player Safety. For long-term Game Masters with high review numbers, we also occasionally provide hotel stipends.

In addition to materials and accessories, we understand that convention GMing is challenging, so we invest in the well-being of our GMs as well. We provide all GenCon GMs with access to coffee, snacks, and bottled water, and occasionally bring in food, such as pizza, to ensure they have a meal while working with us.

Finally, we strive to compensate all GMs by providing swag, store credit, copies of their favorite Kobold Press titles, exclusive chats with Kobold Press Staff, and, in some cases, payment per game. These efforts aim to properly compensate and reward each GM’s hard work.

Game Master FAQ

Question: Who is the Raptor Pack?

Answer: You! The GMs! You are the Raptor Pack, dare ask for the lore… You’ll need to pack a bag for how long that trip goes for. We will commonly address the GMs at large as the Raptor Pack. So be aware, you’re a part of the pack now.

Question: Who are the Acolytes?

Answer: Acolytes are the show runners and managers of the Raptor Pack. It is their job to ensure our Raptor GM Overlords have smooth and fun experiences running their games. Acolytes will be seen taking tickets, dispersing materials to GMs, setting up and tearing down the game room, and generally putting out fires.

Question: What safety tools are provided for the games?

Answer: The official Safety Tool of Kobold Press Convention Play is Deck of Player Safety. Physical sets will be provided at all in-person tables, and all online games will use the free digital copy on Demiplane.

Question: How do I get my schedule? Do I pick what adventures I run?

Answer: You get to pick; it’s a first-come, first-served sign-up process. Each convention will be different in size, adventure, and the number of games required, but sign-ups will always be done through the same portal.

Question: Do you have any rules about how I make my schedule?

Answer: No. We have recommendations that we share with our GMs for schedule building, but you know your body better than anyone else, and that means you know how long of a day you can make for yourself.

Question: What materials do you NOT provide GMs?

Answer: Print outs of adventures, monster stat blocks, spells, or player options. All of those will be provided either digitally or at the table.

Question: When will we get the adventures? Can I test run them with my friends?

Answer: We strive to get you adventures as early as possible for preparation, but we will always promise a 6-week minimum of prep time.

For any additional questions, please contact [email protected].

GM Testaments

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