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The Arena: King of the Monsters Contest

The Arena: King of the Monsters Contest

KotM_logo copy v2Just enough time left to squeak it in under the wire, but the end is looming. Very soon, the gate closes and the judging can begin.  Please, join us in celebrating the King of the Monsters Contest. Get your submission in now.

All you have to do is design your monster. The submission must…

  • Be sent to the King of the Monsters Contest no later than Tuesday, December 1st, by noon PST. (Impact danger in 5-4-3-… !)
  • Be submitted as a doc, docx, or rtf attachment.
  • Read KotM Submission [insert monster name] in the email subject line, and the email should contain your full name and contact information.
  • Be designed for 3rd Edition D&D, 4th Edition D&D, or Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
  • Be 800 words or less and contain 1 full statblock (no more, no less) and the appropriate flavor text and lore to flesh out your creation. (You should look to previously published Monday Monsters for insight about format and structure. The quick drake and terror bird are good examples—but with only one statblock.) …

We are looking for monsters of all kinds and all levels. Even a CR 1/4 reptilian humanoid can rise to be king.

All submissions that meet the criteria will be entered in the contest and be judged by us, the Kobolds, and special guest judge extraordinaire Jeff Grubb on originality, effective writing and design, and “fun.” The 10 best monsters will be published as Monday Monsters and be voted on by the public. Of those 10 monsters, the one with the winning votes will be crowned King of the Monsters in February 2010.

Prizes for the King
As the king, the winning monster will have its portrait commissioned, and this beautiful art will be displayed to the public in the winner’s announcement. In addition, its designer will receive a free print and PDF copy of their choice of the Zobeck Gazetteers, and the King of the Monsters will be published in a future issue of Kobold Quarterly. It’s good to be the king.

Contest Rules
1. The contest is open to all.
2. One entry per person.
3. By entering this contest, you authorize the use of your name and/or likeness without additional compensation for promotion and/or advertising purposes in all media.
4. All entries become property of Open Design and may be published on KQ.com without prior notice or additional compensation.
5. This contest is subject to federal, state, and local laws where applicable.
6. Open Design reserves the right to withdraw or terminate this contest at any time without prior notice.
7. All decisions of Open Design and the contest judges are final.

30 thoughts on “The Arena: King of the Monsters Contest”

  1. i think i forgot to place my email address with my submission. do i need to resubmit or can you get my email address another way?

  2. RE: “One entry per person”

    I have the same creature designed in both 3.5 and 4th ed rules.
    Any thought on which version I should submit?

  3. @JohnFlemming Whichever one you like better. We love all editions, so really, whichever one you feel you knocked out of the park the farthest. But only one. :)

  4. If I create a 4E monster that spawns its own unique minions (like the Pod Demon) can I include the short minion stat block as well, or will that disqualify me?

  5. Hm. Generally, we’re really trying to keep it down to a single stat block.

    We might let it go, but the better option is definitely to have a single stat block and reference an existing minion if needed.

  6. Whooo! Sent! I hope random entries make it into your inbox. No one said anything about Young Frankensteins. “It’s alive, ALIVE!”

  7. Hi KQ

    I’m trying to submit an entry, but my mail isn’t set-up properly. Could you print the email address I should send my entry to, please?


  8. Entries are due tomorrow, and then the judges need some time to sort through and pick out the Top 10.

    I don’t expect we’ll have the list in less than a couple weeks, depending on how many entries we end up with.

  9. Anyone else chugging coffee and whipping something together at the last minute?

    I’m a terrible procrastinator, but this is a blast and I look forward to seeing what others have come up with.

  10. I know that you couldn’t possibly be talking about me, because I’m sure that mine was submitted a full SIX minutes early, and three-hundred-and-sixty-seconds is a cushion anyone could rest easy on.

  11. I just hope my feeble attempt at least makes it in the top ten.
    actually, I wish every submission make the cut. best of luck every one.

  12. After seeing the Tarbaby, i should have submitted my StrawGolem, but alas, i didn’t. i was wondering if there was somewhere to see the old Monday Monsters, if you guys keep an archive somewhere on the site that we can enjoy these tidbits.

  13. Dagalk and John — they’re all still on the site. In the left-hand menu, click on the “articles” link, and then you can scroll through and find the monsters.

    In my opinion, of course, the earliest ones are some of the best. :)

  14. Agree that it would be great to have the monsters all sorted in a separate archive. It’s one of those “nice to have” elements that we might or might not get to anytime soon.

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