PaizoCon 2014 Gallery

PaizoCon 2014 Gallery

PaizoCon 2014 - BoothThe Kobold crew arrived at PaizoCon in good cheer, set up the banners and booth, and said “OMG, Frank Mentzer is the Guest of Honor! We should have brought our D&D Red Box for him to sign!”

The whole show started out strong and just kept getting better. Volunteers ran a wide variety of Kobold Press adventures, from visits to the Margreve forest to strange and distant places and a dangerous visit to the Goblins in the Brewery. Kobold staffers and freelancers held seminars on hmebrewing, becoming a freelancer, and humor and gravitas in gaming. Most of these were recorded and will be available through the Know Direction podcast later this month.

And of course we made new friends! Thanks to everyone who played Pathfinder and 13th Age with us, everyone who came to the panels or stopped by the booth and said hello—and thanks to our wonderful, friendly hosts, the blue-shirts of the Paizo crew, who made it a smooth and fun experience for young and old. We look forward to doing it again next year around Memorial Day at the new hotel.

5 thoughts on “PaizoCon 2014 Gallery”

  1. OK, get ready for an impressive demonstration of my Art Director’s eye …

    … methinks that first photo is backwards :)

  2. I hope you encouraged all those hard core PF players and GMs to submit to the dragon encounter contest. Love to see what fantastic ideas are out there.

  3. I did talk it up a bit, though we also talked about Deep Magic, and giants, and bookbinding, and favorite oddball PCs, and what about 5E, and the Red Box, and a multitude of other wonders.

    It was a great, chatty show in the dealer room. Plus we had wonderful neighbors from Australia, who explained a few of the mysteries of voice acting.

  4. I think one thing that makes PaizoCon so awesome is just how approachable everyone is. Kobold Press is at the top of that list. Thanks for taking the time to talk with us, running the tables (lottery one day I will beat you) and for the seminars.

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