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Wizard’s Playbook (PDF)


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Phillip Larwood

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Classic Spells Made Magical!

There are a few spells every wizard knows are worth keeping up their billowy, majestic wizard sleeves. We’re talking the classics; Fireball, Invisibility, Magic Missile and other utility spells that, like a bard that only knows that one song, keep coming out again and again.

Wizard’s Playbook is a 15-page PDF that takes some of those classic spells and gives them a spicy remix for your Tales of the Valiant/5E game. Fireball is a room-clearer for all occasions, but how about penning a Netherflame Fireball into your grimoire? Choose from over twenty new spells and magic items that put an exciting new twist any arcane spellcaster’s spellbook!

Turn a standard into a new hit with Wizard’s Playbook!

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